Plan Management refers to the way your NDIS plan budget is managed. There are 3 options you can choose from — Self-Managed, Plan Managed, and Agency Managed. If you’re confuse about which type to choose, then here are the 5 key points to think about before selecting the plan management option that is right for you.
Will you be out of Pocket?
- Self-Managed — you can either pay for services and then submit a claim for reimbursement from the NDIA, or request funds for each service from the NDIA who then pays into your account. Some providers may ask you to pay first and then submit your claim. With Self-Management you can also pay Providers more than the NDIS rates.
- Plan Managed — never out of pocket.
- Agency Managed — never out of pocket.
How much time will you need to put aside?
- Self-Managed — allow between 1 and 2 hours per week to make your claims reimbursement or to seek funds from the NDIA for the services you receive or want to receive.
- Plan Managed — you’ll save time
- Agency Managed — you’ll need to log into the myplace portal that is run by the NDIA to view your plan.
How much Choice and Control do you get with each option?
- Self-Managed — you can select NDIS registered and unregistered providers. You can choose to pay them more than the NDIS rates.
- Plan Managed — you can select NDIS registered and unregistered providers. You can pay the providers up to the maximum NDIS rate.
- Agency Managed — you can only select NDIS registered providers.
What administration and record keeping requirements are involved for each option?
- Self-Managed — you will need to open a separate bank account to receive and pay NDIS funds to providers. You’ll also need to track payments and maintain records of the services you have received. You’ll also need to know which support categories to bill against.
- Plan Managed — a provider such as MyIntegra will take care of the invoicing and payments, and keep records for you, including statements.
- Agency Managed — the NDIA will administer payments, and your providers will need to send invoices to the agency. To understand the status of your plan, you will need to log into the NDIA portal or call the NDIS contact centre.
Considered a ‘Light Touch Review’?
Did you know you can request a Light Touch Review if there is an administrative change that you need, like changing from agency managed to plan managed? It can be completed over the phone and should take no longer than a couple of weeks to approve if all is in order.
To request a change to your plan you can:
- Call your LAC
- Call the NDIS on 1800 800 110
Get started with the help of an MyIntegra Plan Manager
Now you know about these important considerations and the options available, it’s over to you. There are certainly some great benefits to getting help with your NDIS plan management – and we know the NDIS can be tricky at times! So why not get started today and give our friendly team a call on 1800 696 347 for Plan Management or 1300 937 187 for Support Coordination or sign up online now.