As part of your NDIS plan, you'll work with providers to receive the supports and services you need. When these providers send an invoice, you’ll then have to pay them using NDIS funds. Unpaid invoices can mean losing services or even providers. That's where MyIntegra Plan Management steps in, to take the stress out of bills and the financial admin of managing your NDIS plan and funds.
Our plan managers help you pay invoices on time, through our handy online customer portal. There are two ways providers can send invoices for NDIS services to us: having your providers submit invoices through the MyIntegra customer portal or emailing invoices to [email protected]
If you or your provider have any questions about invoices, email our customer support team via [email protected].
To avoid delays with processing invoices, providers should make sure the invoices include the following information:
- NDIS Provider business name and ABN
- Business address
- Billing contact details – name, phone number and email address
- A unique invoice number
- Invoice date
- NDIS participant name
- NDIS number
- Support start and end date
- Service date
- Details of the NDIS services provided or the NDIS code
- Bank details for payment

Invoicing for NDIS services made easy
To get invoices paid quicker, send our NDIS invoice template to your providers to make sure all the required information is covered.
Providers can submit their invoices for payment directly through our online customer portal, or by emailing them to [email protected].

invoices with ease
You can provide standing approval to pay invoices or review and approve or reject invoices yourself. We’ll notify you when a provider submits an invoice that requires your approval. You can login to the MyIntegra Portal to take action or contact us directly.
your NDIS funds
After an invoice is successfully submitted and approved by you, we’ll bill the NDIA. Provided there are no issues, approved invoices are usually processed in one business day, with payments typically made one business day after we receive funds from the NDIA.

At MyIntegra we specialise in making responsive, fast and accurate invoice payments, which means invoices are typically processed within 1 business day, with payments usually made within 1 business day of NDIS approval.
If your NDIS plan is plan-managed with a Plan Manager like MyIntegra, you don’t need to do anything! Simply ask your providers to send their invoices straight to your Plan Manager, who will review, process and promptly pay your invoices for you.
When you work with MyIntegra as your plan manager, you won’t be responsible for submitting your invoices for payment, which makes managing your funds that much easier. Instead, your providers will submit their invoices directly to us through our online customer portal, or by emailing them to [email protected].
Yes! With MyIntegra as your Plan Manager, you can manage your invoices through our online customer portal. In our online customer portal you’ll be able to view the status of invoices, approve or reject invoices for payment and even create a standing approval to pay certain providers invoices.
You can review and approve or decline invoices in the MyIntegra portal in a few simple steps.
1. Login in to the MyIntegra portal. Click ‘My Approvals’ in the main menu.
2. Then you will see a list of support invoices related to your NDIS plan that are awaiting your review. Click on the “Invoice Number” for the invoice you would like to approve.
3. Review the invoice details and then click on the “Approve/Decline Invoice Line Items” button. Then confirm how you would like to proceed with this invoice. You have the option to Approve Entire Invoice, Decline Entire Invoice or Decline Individual Invoice Line Items.
4. To approve the invoice select the option in the drop down to “Approve Entire Invoice”. Click Next and then click Finish to confirm. You can view the status of this invoice at any time via the Invoices page.
5. To decline an invoice. You have the option to decline a specific section of the invoice or the entire invoice. To decline the entire invoice. When declining an invoice be sure to include a reason in the text box provided, i.e. service was for 30 minutes not 60 minutes. Click Next and then click Finish to confirm.
Providers can use the MyIntegra invoice template to ensure invoices can be easily read by our payment system. Invoices can be submitted for payment directly through our online customer portal, or by emailing them to [email protected].
If you are a provider, you can track the status of your invoices through the MyIntegra online portal. To get set up on the MyIntegra portal to access our self-service features contact us on 1800 696 347 or email [email protected]
Yes, MyIntegra accepts invoices from both registered and non-registered NDIS providers for payment. This provides you with more choice and control when it comes to your support and services.