Use of Interpreter Policy
MyIntegra Group Companies (MyIntegra) i.e., Integrated Care Pty Ltd (ICPL) or MyIntegra Choice and Control Pty Ltd (ICCPL) here in referred to as MyIntegra.
MyIntegra recognises that effective communication is essential in the delivery of high-quality services. We are committed to ensuring that Participants are able to communicate in their preferred language in order to:
- exercise choice and control about their own supports/services and the way that supports/ services are delivered;
- understand their choices and communicate their decisions;
- provide feedback about the supports/ services they receive; and
- understand, consent to, and participate in the services that they are engaging MyIntegra to deliver.
This commitment is consistent with the expectations of the NDIS Practice Standards which recognise people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
It is the intent of this policy that Participants are informed of their right to communicate in their preferred language and that it is the responsibility of the organisation to offer and organise interpreter services.
Arrangements will be made to engage an interpreter through TIS National when a Participant requests and:
- a Participant is undergoing assessment and support planning processes;
- a support plan is under review;
- a Participant is being informed of their rights, responsibilities, and complaint mechanisms;
- essential information needs to be communicated and understood to inform decision making;
- giving informed consent;
- there has been a change of circumstances or care needs;
- seeking feedback from the Participant; and
- a request is made by the Participant or their nominee.
This policy is intended to ensure that no Participant be prevented from receiving equitable quality services as a result of management and staff not communicating with them in their preferred language.
When promoting and using interpreter services we will ensure that:
- Participants are informed of the availability of interpreting services;
- Language services are appropriate for the Participant including taking into account gender and:
- ethnic preferences, relevant dialects, and the appropriateness of either onsite or telephone interpreters;
- management and team members are trained on the protocols to access TIS National services, appropriate use of interpreters and how to work effectively with interpreters; and
- the implementation of this policy is regularly monitored to ensure staff compliance and for the purposes of continuous improvement.
Risk Management
MyIntegra is committed to effectively managing risks through compliance with legislation, alignment with best practice and through a practical approach that carefully plans for and prioritises risks and balances the costs and benefits of action.
Roles and Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the Trainers to provide training to staff on protocols for accessing and using TIS National services.
Managers / Team Leaders
It is the responsibility of the Manager/Team Leader to ensure their team members practice this policy and are appropriately trained in the access to and use of TIS National services.
General Managers
It is the responsibility of the General Managers to:
- establish protocols for accessing and using TIS National services.
- identify and make available the resources required in order to facilitate the use of TIS National services by team members and
- monitor the implementation of this policy regularly to continuous improvement, quality, and compliance.
It is the responsibility of all staff to:
- advise Participants of our policy to engage TIS National services in order that we understand their individual needs and
- proactively use TIS National services in accordance with this policy.
Monitoring and Training
This policy will be:
- Incorporated into staff training and induction;
- Amended in accordance with any changes to the NDIS legislation;
- Monitored through supervision, formal and informal feedback mechanisms; and
- Audited in accordance with the internal audit schedule.
Supporting Documents
- Feedback and Complaints Policy
- Feedback and Complaints Procedure
- Use of an Advocate Procedure
- Use of an Interpreter Procedure
Business Area Contact
- Risk and Quality, Corporate Services
- Content Owner: Manager Risk and Quality
- Approving Officer: Chief Executive Officer
- Approval Date: 11/07/2023
- Effective From: 11/07/2023
- This policy will be reviewed at least every 2 years.
- Date of last review: First version
- Supersedes: N/A
TIS National
TIS National (Translating and Interpreting Service) is an interpreting service provided by the Department of Home Affairs for people who do not speak English and for agencies and businesses that need to communicate with their non-English speaking Participant. TIS National provides this service 24 hours a day, seven days a week for both telephone and on-site interpreting. The contact number for TIS National telephone services is 131 450. TIS National on-site interpreting requires booking online at: https://www.tisnational.gov.au/en/Agencies
An interpreter is a professionally qualified person who takes one oral (or sign language) and converts it accurately and objectively into another language to enable communication between two parties who do not share a common language.
Telephone Interpreting
Access to interpreters via the telephone / teleconference call.
On-site Interpreters
Access to interpreters on-site for face-to-face appointments.
Interpreter accreditation
TIS National interpreters are NAATI (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters) accredited. NAATI accreditation is the only qualification officially accepted for the interpreting profession in Australia. Accredited interpreters act in accordance with the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators (AUSIT) code of ethics.
Version Control
- Version: 05.01.19 – 1.0
- Date: 11.07.2023
- Prepared by: Manager Risk and Quality