The NDIS can be complicated. So, we’ve put together a list of 10 NDIS terms you need to know to help understand and make the most of your plan:
1. Local Area Coordinator (LAC)
Either a LAC, an ECEI (Early Childhood Early Intervention) Practitioner or an NDIS Planner will be the person who helps build your plan with you, and agree your goals and budget in your plan.
2. Plan Management
One of three ways you can have your NDIS plan managed (as well as self-management and agency-management, or a combination of the three). Plan Management gives you all the freedom of choosing unregistered providers (like Self-Management) but without having to keep records and receipts (like Agency-Management).
3. Plan Review
When you and a LAC, ECEI or NDIS Planner meet to discuss what you need in your next plan and agree the goals you want to achieve. Plan Reviews can be scheduled (towards the end of your plan) or unscheduled (in the middle of your plan) if your situation or needs change. Your Plan Review is the time where you can choose to have your plan as ‘plan managed’.
4. Service Agreement
A document between you and each of your providers where you agree what services are being provided and for how much. These are useful documents so both parties know what is expected of each other. MyIntegra can ring-fence funding from your budget to reflect the Service Agreements you have with your providers, giving you both peace of mind.
5. Support Categories
Your NDIS budget will be split into Support Categories. You can use the funds within each Support Category on specific services or items.
6. Reasonable and Necessary
When an NDIS Planner, LAC or ECEI is helping to build your plan, the supports that are funded will be ‘reasonable and necessary’ to your personal situation. They will assess whether a support is:
- Related to your disability
- Value for money
- Likely to be effective in helping you reaching your goals
What is considered reasonable and necessary for one person, may not be considered for another. During your planning session you should tell your planner why you need the supports you are requesting and specifically how they will assist you.
7. Goals
Your NDIS plan will include some goals that you have agreed you want to work towards during your plan. The goals will be specific and personal to you and they may not be related to each other. For example, you may have one goal which is ‘I want to learn interview and CV writing skills, so I can get a job’ and ‘I want to be able to get the bus to school on my own’.
8. Informal Supports
This is support you already receive from your family and friends. For example, your sibling may already take you to do food shopping once a week. Your LAC, ECEI or NDIS Planner will consider all the informal supports you already during your Plan Review.
9. Choice and Control
A key term in the NDIS that puts you in the driving seat for the supports that you receive. It means that you can have as much of an input as you want over who, how, when and what supports you receive.
10. Service Booking
A way of ring-fencing or setting aside funds from your NDIS plan for one of your providers. With MyIntegra Plan Management, we can create Service Bookings on your behalf to ring-fence your NDIS funding for your providers. When you make service agreements with your providers, it will say how much you’ve agreed to spend with them. MyIntegra can use a Service Agreement to ring-fence funds so that you’re not at risk of overspending your budget.
Still need help deciphering the NDIS dictionary?
Don’t worry, here at MyIntegra, we’re experts in NDIS lingo. Chat to our friendly team no matter where you are on your NDIS journey. We’re happy to help point you in the right direction and help you understand your plan management and support coordination options. Get in touch today on 1800 696 347 for Plan Management or 1300 937 187 for Support Coordination.