Media release from the Minister | 8 Feb 2022
The National Disability Insurance Scheme’s (NDIS) latest Quarterly Report has marked a major milestone under the Australian Government, with the world-first insurance scheme now transforming the lives of more than 500,000 Australians living with significant and permanent disability.
Minister for the NDIS, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, said the Scheme is now providing disability-related support to 502,413 participants across the country. Around 220,000 people previously received supports from state, territory and commonwealth schemes, and around 280,000 people are now receiving supports for the very first time.
“Reaching half a million participants is remarkable given the Scheme’s relatively short history, so this is a significant achievement and something all Australians should be proud of,” Minister Reynolds said.
“The Scheme is having a huge impact, not only transforming the lives of people with disability, but also the many thousands of family members and carers who play such a big part supporting our participants to live the life they choose.”
The number of NDIS participants has increased by 4 per cent in the last quarter. As the Scheme grows, we see a changing mix of participants – with more children entering the Scheme requiring early intervention supports.
In the last quarter, 20,384 new participants joined the NDIS. Of those:
- 38% were children and there are now 77,287 NDIS participants aged under 7 in the scheme.
- 25.1% of new participants had a developmental delay, compared to 23.7% in the previous quarter.
- 11.9% of participants who received a plan in the quarter had a psychosocial disability.
- 9.1% identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, compared with 8.8% in the previous quarter.
- 9.6% identified as being from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse community.
The NDIS market continues to grow, with $6.7 billion in payments, compared to $6.4 billion in the previous quarter. This financial year NDIS participant supports are forecast to reach $29.2 billion.
“We have also ensured the scheme is fully funded with a $26.4 billion boost in the December 2021 Budget Update bringing our total NDIS investment to $142 billion over four years,” Minister Reynolds said.
With the scheme fully funded and half a million participants supported by the Scheme, the Government is progressing important reforms including the development of co-design processes, the introduction of the Participant Service Guarantee, greater plan flexibility and duration and building a robust and viable NDIS market, particularly in remote areas.
The Quarterly Report also provides an update on:
- The NDIA’s continued work to establish co-design processes so people with disability will have a greater say in how the Scheme works.
- The focus on making sure NDIS participants, support workers and disability providers, are supported to receive their COVID-19 vaccination and related supports; and
- The recent release of the Outcomes Report, which gives insights on how the NDIS is improving the lives of participants.
“This latest report shows that the Government has built, fully funded and is delivering a globally unique disability insurance scheme in support of participants, their families and the care and support workforce.” Minister Reynolds said.
Read the latest report to disability ministers.
‘NDIS Quarterly Report: NDIS now supporting more than half a million Australians‘ is republished from ndis.gov.au under a Creative Commons licence.