The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has announced important changes to the NDIS pricing arrangements, effective from 1 July 2024.
Here’s a quick overview of the key updates and what they may mean for you.
Wage increases
Implementation of the Fair Work Commission’s decision to increase minimum wages and superannuation.
This ensures fair compensation for NDIS workers.
Price limits adjustments
- Level 1 support coordination – increased price limits to reflect changes in minimum wages following the Fair Work Commission’s annual wage review. These increases also apply to a number of other supports under the Disability Support Worker Cost Model.
- Therapy (except psychologists) and Level 2 and 3 support coordination – existing pricing arrangements and price limits remain unchanged.
- Health professionals – price limits for psychologists, nurses and other health professionals increased to account for wage and cost of living increases.
Cancellation policy
The short-notice cancellation period for non-Disability Support Worker-related supports is now two business days.
The seven-day notice period for Disability Support Worker supports still applies.
Temporary transformation payments
These have now ceased after being scaled back last year, effective immediately.
What does this mean for me?
Your NDIS plan will be updated starting in July, with funding indexed on 13 July to reflect the changes.
Where can I get more information?
For more detailed information, you can visit the NDIS pricing updates page here.
You can also contact our friendly customer service team if you need further guidance and support.