The term ‘Plan Reassessment’ will replace ‘Plan Review’
To help reduce confusion around the use of the term ‘review’ within the scheme, changes have been made to the terms you use when talking about making changes to your plan.
Previously, if your NDIS plan was due to expire you would have either a Full Plan Review to address significant changes in support needs or a Light Touch Plan Review for minor changes such as switching Plan Management options from agency managed to plan managed.
- A Full Plan Review is now called a Plan Reassessment
- A Light Touch Plan Review is now called a Plan Variation.
A Plan Continuation option is also now available.
This is a simple option to have the same level of supports re-funded in your next plan.
If you feel you need to increase your supports this may not be the best option for you.
Discuss your plan during a Participant Check-in
The NDIS is also offering the opportunity to discuss your plan over the phone during a Participant Check-in.
These phone calls can occur throughout your plan but always before your plan expires.
If you are nearing the end of your plan, it is a good idea to be prepared for this phone call.
You can prepare for a Participant Check-in by:
- Gathering any new evidence that you may wish to discuss with the NDIS
- Thinking about new goals for the next plan
- Thinking about any ways that your support needs and/or circumstances have changed or are about to change
- Deciding if you want to change your Plan Management option
Remember to check in with you LAC, ECEI or Support Coordinator if you have one so they can help you prepare.
If you’re a current MyIntegra plan management client, we can support you to prepare by providing regular budget statements and 24/7 access to the MyIntegra portal to see invoices and budget spend.
Contact us ahead of your check-in or plan reassessment on 1800 696 347 for Plan Management or 1300 937 187 for Support Coordination.
If you have a Participant Check-In, Plan Reassessment or Plan Variation coming up it’s a good time to look at your Plan Management options.
MyIntegra Plan Management puts you in control of your NDIS plan, providing an effortless way to pay invoices on time and keep track of budgets.
Plus, you can choose the providers you want and there’s no cost to you when you have ‘Plan management’ or ‘Improved life choices’ included in your plan, as it’s funded separately.
Find out more about Plan Management.
P.S. If you’re unhappy with your current plan manager we can help you make the switch to MyIntegra today.